When it comes to having a good time, Eddy Puyol is all about it.
“I truly believe life is meant to be enjoyed and to the fullest,” Puyol said.
With the “Good Time” music video he takes what his Abuela Ally told him, “Family’s the main thing,” quite literally. Puyol even represented his grandparents in the video with their picture on his shirt.
The video features his whole family along with in-laws and partner-in-funk Doctor Dukes (with his wife LaChandra) for a household get together that resembles a typical Puyol gathering. Shot by videographer Will Thomas, this urban pop record with funk soul DNA has fans of Kool & The Gang, Drake and Lecrae wanting more.
“I’m in a funk mood so don’t be surprised if you hear Doctor Dukes and I do something again,” Puyol said.
Watch Eddy Puyol’s “Good Time” music video now on YouTube.
“Good Time” is a part of Puyol’s latest album, Nothing Changed But My Stage Name, available on your favorite digital service provider platforms (Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, YouTube, etc.) and Eddy Puyol social media sites.